Your Pilgrim Walk was a blessing, then, and even now as you continue your Fourth Day Journey! But have you been wondering how the Leaders and Team are selected? A team selection committee is formed by the Board, and with the Weekend Lay and Spiritual Directors, they make a list of those who might be part of the next Walk! Through careful and continuous prayer, each of the nominated members is contacted by the Weekend Lay and Spiritual Directors until a full team is assembled. We are only human of course, and there are many members of the Community that are not considered, simply because we did not think of you! If you’d like to be part of the Weekend and support future Pilgrims, please complet the form link below. Not all will be selected, but your interest will be considered, and you might just get that call as well!

Being on AGPAPE, or in the Conference Room, giving a Talk, or being part of the Leadership of the weekend is an exciting way to enhance your own Fourth Day journey. It a lot of work, with 4 training sessions and talk preparation, but the experience is worth every minute of preparation.
The Walk to Emmaus is an ecumenical program, open to all Christians who want to Walk closer with Christ! We strive to celebrate what joins us together, not what might keep us apart. All are invited to feast at Christ’s table!